Harp stand prototype
This harp is quite heavy and it's substantially larger than the original amont harp. If one believes the paintings of harpers and the wear marks on the surviving harps they were played resting on the floor with the harp pretty much in front of the player. Nowadays players prefer to have the harp higher so that it rests on, or is at the level of their shoulder. If this can be accommodated with a standard chair height in mind it's even better.
I've built a prototype of a harp stand to try and accomplish several things. It is easily adjustable for height and angle, it will fit in front of a standard chair, it has sufficient stability to hold the harp without capsizing.
The next step in making the harp stand is for the player to live with the prototype for a bit to see what works and what needs rethinking or adjustments. I already have a couple of minor changes in mind that will extend the range of possibilities a bit.
Extreme back angle, height up
Height up
Height down
extreme upright angle
Extreme back angle, height down.